Finding Parents Like You on the LSL Journey

Finding Parents Like You on the LSL Journey

When it comes to making friends with other parents and families, it can be easier said than done. Becoming part of a new group can be intimidating at first, particularly when you’re new to the online community experience. We’ve all been there! While it can seem daunting to make that first step to find parents and families who understand what it’s like to raise a child who is deaf or hard of hearing, it’s worth it!

Just imagine:

Connecting with other parents who have navigated the LSL journey and are celebrating their child’s accomplishments.

Discovering you are among friends who know what it’s like to put hearing aids back on your baby’s ears hundreds of times every day.

Hearing fellow parents share stories of what it’s like to explain the LSL journey to other family members, caretakers, friends or teachers.

Making friends with someone who you can share your fears and challenges with, along with the dreams you have for your child.

Finding direct LSL advice and tips from real people, in real time.

Ready to make these types of friendships and connections? Join the Hearing First Family Support Community! Tips for helping your child transition to school with their hearing friends, and shared celebrations of academic achievements, sports participation, and graduations are just a FEW of the benefits of connecting with other parents of children who are deaf and hard of hearing learning to listen and talk in the Community. These shared connections and more are waiting for you.

Here’s what one mom has to say about her experience of interacting and making friends with other families on the LSL journey and the benefits of being a member of the Family Support Community:

“As a parent of three-year-old, it gives me hope to read the stories of other children with hearing loss who find success at school, with friends, in their extracurricular activities, and eventually as young adults and adults. The Community is such fun for me because I love to read the “celebrations” and I find myself crying tears of joy on a regular basis! I also have a lot of questions right now as we try to navigate our way through the transition from early intervention to pre-school and the local school district. I am blown away at the advice offered and thoughtfulness of my “virtual friends.” I have learned such good information; questions to ask at meetings, programs to investigate, etc. But most importantly, my Community friendships provide me with the confidence and reinforcement I need to KEEP GOING (in every aspect of my parenting life!). The more involved I become, the more I realize I could not do it without the Family Support Community!”

Ready to join and get started? Here are 5 easy ways you can build connections and friendships when you join the Family Support Community:

  • Read Amazing Member Stories and Introduce Yourself - Find the Introductions discussion and jump right in. Read about other families’ stories and add your unique story to this discussion.
  • Look for Opportunities to Share Your Support - Remember, when it comes to connecting, the whole community benefits when you offer tips and support and respond to someone else's discussion thread!
  • Ask a Question - Skip Google, post in the Community! Get answers from experienced LSL parents who have navigated the path ahead of you. Post a question you have about the LSL journey and ask members to share their tips or advice.
  • Post a Photo or Video - Whether it’s a photo from your first family ski trip, or a video from your child’s music recital, sometimes a picture can say a thousand words. Post your favorite moments in the community as a quick conversation starter!
  • Keep in Contact - Once you've made a connection with a new friend in the Community, be sure to keep the conversation going. Private messages in the community are a great way to keep in touch and encourage one another!

Other families of children with hearing loss are ready to walk the journey with you, and new friendships and connections are right around the corner in the Family Support Community.

Blog post originally appeared on the Hearing First blog, 5 Easy Ways to Find Parent Friends in the Family Support Community.

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